Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Goals

First week of school of my Junior year (drumroll please) accomplished!!! I am all better over my illness for those of you that were still worried. So this post, the ever anticipated fall goals!!!!! I honestly don't know why I'm so excited about this, but I am! So I discovered this new word in the English language, accountability, yup that's it, I'm holding people accountable as well as myself for my goals. This is kind of an outline for my year, you know God willing, to accomplish my goals and to keep a promise to myself. Oh I should tell you all now that all of my classes are super writing and reading heavy so I will most likely only post once a week, sorry :(

Back to the goals-let's do this bullet point style!:
*Maintain good grades and make it on the Dean's list for fall quarter. I've only been on it once in six quarters, so I figure why not try again? If I don't make it on the fall list, then I'll have winter as back-up, but realistically spring isn't even an option (too many distractions!).
*Convince the Fantastic Four from Camp Promise to come back to summer 2013. Their applications are due in December, so I've got to convince them before then. I also need to convince everyone else from this AMAZING community to just apply as a volunteer in April.
*Hold my two friends accountable to their fall goals, loosing weight and saving up money for a trip in December (basically be annoying so they'll thank me for it later).
WINTER (subject to change time allotted):
*Write 5 to 10 different email versions people can copy to email to Ellen Degeneres. I need to make some in Spanish and Arabic as well so it looks like I'm globally known. The purpose you may ask, get Ellen to follow me on twitter, tweet about Camp Promise so people will donate, and go on the show for my 21st birthday in April so I can talk about Camp Promise and all it's marvelousness!!!
SPRING (not subject to change or time allotted):
*Go crazy on twitter, Facebook, maybe even Instagram and obviously my blog so that Ellen gets a bazillion emails, tweets, and messages!
*April 9th, 2013 (my birthday!!! 21 years of life!!!! Happy craziness!!!!) be on the Ellen show talking about Camp Promise sharing my first alcoholic beverage with Ellen (okay the second part doesn't really HAVE to happen)!!!
***Have the best week of my life at Camp Promise with many cool people!!! :D

I know I went from Fall to Summer, but hey you can't hate on me for being motivated!!! So I haven't been this motivated about something since I applied to my dream university and I really want to make this a reality, like I did my education! I have two people holding me accountable from now until Summer and I just hope this dream comes true! I want to make Camp Promise the best for all of its campers and volunteers!! I will keep you all updated on this journey, thank you for reading! :D

Adios readers,
Yomara :)

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