Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ali :) This one's for you and me!

Ali, this one's for you :D

I met you about three years ago, right after I got swine flu (I'm still alive woot woot!) and I had to catch up on a month of A.P. and honors homework, oh and that senior project (death).  You had been working for about four months when I go and break my first bone ever (thigh), so I was bed bound for about the rest of the school year.  You will never know how much it meant to me that you were there cheering me up when I felt gross, sick, sad, depressed, and lame because I had to drop my nerdy courseload.  I have never felt so disabled and alone, but it didn't matter because you got me through all those hurdles.  My thigh got infected exactly on the day of my eighteenth birthday and I had to spend the day in the hospital, but you were there making it a day to celebrate (I had a reaction to the splint, I know just my luck) because it got better within twenty-four hours.  I had to apply to my dream University and about thirty scholarships, and you helped me with all that.  You were there when I only got one scholarship, but my dream University offered me a full ride.  You made Prom the most memorable day of my teenage years with a hott date and you made me feel beautiful with your make-up/beauty skills!  You made me feel like I mattered, like I hadn't vanished from the face of the earth just because I was homeschooled for the last four months of high school.  You defended me in front of my doctors, you became the sister I have ALWAYS wanted!  We had awesome dance parties and you put up with all my baggage (high maintenance and caregiving needs).  You left me for about a year and three months (to sing to God on tour), but you would visit me on your breaks and you kept me in the loop at all times.  Oh I forgot to mention, because my love life is non-exsistent and I only have two to four very close friends, I live vicariously through Ali most of the time.  I dedicate myself to homework and my health most of the time. 

Ali came back to work for me February 2012.  While she was gone I went through six caregivers, some lasted a week, some lasted three months.  It is incredibly hard for someone to take care of someone else, and to do it well, is pretty amazing.  So Ali has been my caregiver exception.  We go to school, the hospital, the mall, mexican parties, and camp.  Like I said in my previous post I only went to camp because I was sure of the person I was going with, I do not like the unknown.  This may come off as a bit braggy, but I could tell the people at camp looked up to Ali and I's relationship, they wanted the bond, the friendship, the security of our awesomeness.  I appreciate you Ali, so much that words do not do it justice (and my words are pretty legendary hahaha)!  I love our inside jokes, our equal boy crazy high, the fact that you can read my face/eyes/mind all the time, the dance/singing break outs we have, the people I have met through you, the Jesus love we have, the amount of money you spend on me, answering all my questions, the act of actually knowing who I am (besides the wheelchair).  I LOVE YOU MEXI-WHITE SISTER! :D <3

Fall 2009

Summer 2012

Adios readers,
Yomara :)

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