Thursday, July 17, 2014


Yes, you read the title correctly! I am a university graduate!!! AAAAAHHHHH who would of thought it would happen so fast, since my last blog post was in September.  I graduated on June 15th, 2014 and it was very exciting, but more than that it took a really long time!  The ceremony started late and since I had to be there early I did not eat enough breakfast, by the time the ceremony started I already wanted to eat my cap and gown.  I tried to think about anything other than food, but when you try to avoid thinking about something is when you want it the most!  It's kind of funny and sad at the same time that instead of focusing on such an accomplishment I was focused on complaining and being hungry.  I guess the triangle of needs is really true, first you focus on surviving and lastly you focus on self actualization. Not to mention that because it was raining two hours before the ceremony and graduates had to wait outside I had to hide near the entrance to escape the rain.  I know it sounds like I did not appreciate my graduation, and I completely did because we had a great guest speaker and since we started late everyone involved in the ceremony did whatever possible to make it go faster, but it was just such a long event.  It may also be the fact that I remember high school graduation being so much shorter than this one, due to the less number of people.  After the ceremony my family and I booked it to get out of the parking as soon as possible and go to the restaurant to celebrate, more importantly to me: eat!  I chose Azteca because even though I'm Mexican I still really love Mexican food at any moment!  I did not want a party just because the day did not allow time to plan a party around it.  Speaking of that day, it was Father's Day and I probably gave my dad the best present ever: a degree that he did not have to pay for because of my scholarships!  I also got him a gift card because how could I not? 

The best part of that day was definitely spending numerous hours with Ali after I hadn't seen her for so long!!!  She made the annoying hunger subside with her awesome humor and sarcasm.  Ali is like the sister I always wanted, and it was very important to me that she be there because she's no longer my caregiver (a post on that later). 

So I'm a graduate at now I'm trying to find employment, so potential employers trust me you want a Yomara in your company!  Drumroll please, I achieved what I thought would be impossible for me: making it on the Dean's List the WHOLE YEAR (3 quarters) even with my double major!!! Oh yeah, after my Media and Communication Studies major I became really interested in the impact of media in society and how society works so I added the Society, Ethics, and Human Behavior major.  I'm sorry I've been gone a whole 9+ months, but my baby has always been school and after 16 years in school I am so grateful that I have gotten the opportunity to learn from some great professors and learn material that gives me a broader perspective into society.  I am an extremely lucky individual and I hope good things will come from my education.  So far, I am not going to graduate school, but who knows what the future holds?!

Adios readers,
Yomara :)